Key Initiatives

The Zaentz Navigator
The Zaentz Navigator is a user-friendly, interactive, and innovative digital tool where you can learn about — and act on — structuring, financing, expanding, and improving early education and care. We built it to help policymakers and leaders understand how states, counties, and cities across the country are tackling the same issues they face. The Navigator shares state, county, and city policy strategies and innovations across five key categories: Infrastructure to Support Early Childhood Systems, Dedicated Funding Streams and Financing, Cost Estimation and Subsidy Rates, Expansion, and Workforce. It also describes the contexts in which these policy strategies and innovations have been implemented and links them to findings from a groundbreaking statewide study of early education and care. To learn how others are using the Navigator and to find the strategy category that best fits your needs, visit the Zaentz Navigator Pathway.
Action Planning Institute
Since 2023, the Zaentz Initiative has hosted two annual institutes for state, city and local early education policymaking teams. Teams apply for an all-expenses paid program, taught by esteemed Harvard faculty. Accepted teams from across the country are invited to Harvard’s campus to analyze their policy landscape, connect with others who are advancing early education and care, and develop action plans for a high-priority systems-building issue. Institute sessions include analyzing an early education teaching case, key insights to drive systems-building and policymaking, and facilitated team action planning using comprehensive workbooks and resources. Together, teams have tackled issues ranging from developing dedicated funding streams to creating early childhood integrated data systems to expanding rural access to infant and toddler care. If you are interested in applying or learning more about these institutes, sign up for email updates to receive news about upcoming events and opportunities.

Action-Oriented Programs and Tools
The Zaentz Initiative develops other programs and tools to help policy leaders build stronger, more equitable early education and care systems. Past programs have included the hybrid online and in-person Early Childhood Policy Academy, in partnership with the Hunt Institute, which supported diverse cohorts of leaders who shared a commitment to improving the lives of young children and their caregivers. Participants included leaders from across the political spectrum and in a variety of roles, including lieutenant governors, legislators, and agency heads, among others. Policy Academy coursework built on our Certificate in Early Education Leadership’s learning design and foundational content, including topics such as child and adult development, stress and resilience, and equity. It also introduced resources and tools related to early education financing, governance, and workforce development.